- ENVC S.A. is a public limited company wholly publicly owned , governed by the Empordef . ENVC are a shipbuilding ...
- Navalrocha SA is strategically located in the heart of the Lisbon harbour, (north bank of the Tagus River) that has ...
- West Sea is a shipyard located in Viana do Castelo, North of Portugal. Created by the Martifer Group in 2013, ...
- Naval Rocha is a modern Yard backed by decades of experience in maintenance and repair work on all type of ...
- Naval Rocha is a yard providing vessel repair and maintenance in Portugal’s capital city, Lisbon. The site itself dates back ...
- VerifiedSpecialists in yacht agency services, Atlantys provides a bespoke and stress-free experience in the Mid-Atlantic, based on its vast expertise ...
- Seasub is a commercial diving company dedicated to the supply of quality underwater services, consulting and supply of specialized diving ...