- Marine materials & equipment certification, Ship equipment consultants, Ship equipment repairs & maintenance, Ship repair contractors, and Spares parts & Repairs representatives / contractorsVerifiedNeptunus is one of India’s leading engineering service provider and mid-sized EPC contractors and our engineering prowess is based on ...
- Anchors & Chains, Bunker suppliers / Oil & Lubricant suppliers, Chippers & Painters, Diesel fuel, Engineering & repairs, Fuel, Fuel oil, Galley equipment, Gasoline, Marine Engineering, Paint suppliers, Piping works, Port and Shore services, Ship chandlers & Suppliers, Ship cleaning services, Ship repair contractors, Shipboard lifeboats / Liferafts / Rescue lifeboats, Spare parts suppliers, Stainless steel works, Tanks cleaning, Tanks / Tanks cleaning equipment, and Yachts: Boat accessories suppliersVerifiedGreetings! Ethics Fleet Serve is an ISO 9001:2015 (QMS) & ISO 22000 (HACCP) certified organisation with quality member of ISSA, ...
- Bollard pull test, Classification societies & services, Corrosion protection, Cranes / Davits / Hoists, Hatch covers survey, Hull coating inspection, Hull survey, Hydroblasting, Intermediate & periodical survey, Marine surveyors and consultants, On-hire / Off-hire survey, Painting & coating, Prepurchase condition survey, Ridding teams contractors, Sandblasting works, and Ultrasonic survey / Gauging UTMVerifiedRope access NDT inspection, Derrick CAT III Inspection, Drops Survey, Thickness Measurement, class survey, Load testing, lifting equipment inspection, EDDY ...
- Chemist engineers, Engineering & repairs, Marine Engineering, Mechanical engineering, and Port equipment engineeringRiskDeğer Consultancy , Training and Engineering Company established in 2013 for serving with his experienced professionals team for trading, IT ...
- Automation & Electronics repairs, Electric motors rewinding, Electrical works, and Electronic & Electric equipmentDiko Electrical Equipment Co. located in Istanbul-Turkey founded in 1949 has been manufacturing electric water heaters since its establishment. Diko ...
- VerifiedFloating Solar PV Mounting Manufacturer Co., Ltd. a most represented solar mounting supplier for environment friendly and easy installation.We provides ...
- Paint suppliers, Propulsion & Machinery, Ship chandlers & Suppliers, Ship cleaning services, Ship repair contractors, and Ship emergency or temporary repairs workshopsOUR SERVICE Ship Repairing/ Maintenance Services On board food provision and spare parts delivery services WHAT WE OFFER • PROVISION & ...
- Engine builders, Maritime software, New building shipyards, New building survey, Newbuilding project management, Port building and Port equipment, Port design / Port building, Ship building, Ship repairs and Ship breaking, Ship repair contractors, Shipyards / Shipbuilders / Dry-docks, and Yacht builders & repairsVerifiedCORE is a fast, secure and cloud-based project management software tool for the marine sector with one powerful and easy ...
- Engineering & repairs, Inventory control systems, Manoeuvring thrusters / Bow thruster / Stern thruster, Marine Engineering, Mechanical engineering, Propeller survey, Propulsion & Machinery, Rudder survey, Stern tubes repairs, and Tailshaft surveyVerifiedAtZ Marine Technologies Limited provides industry-leading consultation services, equipment sales and support to the marine, power generation and petrochemical sectors. ...
- BBMS (Swanwick) Ltd. is your dependable seller of the inboard watercraft engine. Our marine engineers in Southampton can give you ...